Great Planes Aviation Aug 31, 2018 11:22:17 AM 2 min read

Rochester International Airport to conduct Full Scale Emergency Exercise

On September 14th 2018, a full scale emergency exercise involving Rochester and Olmsted County emergency response will be performed at the Rochester International Airport. The City of Rochester Emergency Management Division will be hosting and coordinating this federally mandated exercise to evaluate the preparedness of its local responders to a disaster in our area.
Full scale exercises are a requirement of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). All US Passenger airports are required to complete a full scale exercise once every three years. The last Rochester exercise was held in September 2015.

The purpose of these drills is to evaluate and strengthen an airport’s operational capability and its emergency management system. Community volunteers will bring a simulated aircraft emergency to life; testing the skills and preparation of emergency responders, airport employees, Mayo Clinic health care systems, Olmsted Medical Center, local and regional law enforcement and fire agencies.
The Rochester International Airport shares gratitude to all partner organizations for the time and commitment involved to make this a successful exercise.

Media opportunities and Exercise observation:
Media personnel desiring to attend the event must pre-register by September 7th with Exercise Co-Director Ken Jones ( Approved observers/media personnel need to check in at the Carpenter’s Training Center (6692 10th Ave SW, Rochester, MN). Registration will take place 7:30-8:00 a.m. and it is required to be obtain an “Observer” badge. Media personnel will be escorted to designated areas and accompanied by exercise staff at all times with observation ending at 10:00 a.m.

© 2018 Rochester International Airport